I would venture to guess that those of us who are NOT moral idiots, hate Hitler. But, I would bet (based on polling data and voting patterns in the USA) about half of us probably hold the majority of Hitlers political views in common with him. I am NOT saying that if you hold these view you are "evil like Hitler" since his biggest evil was the acute pathological hatred for Jews and to a lesser extent of hate 'non-Germanic' people groups... but I think you'd be surprised at how the Nazi party thought society should be governed. Among these beliefs (*taken from the NSDAP... ie. 'Nazi Party' platform as expressed by Hitler in Munich in 1920, and the Nuremburg historical documentation of NAZI party activities and propoganda media*) are the following... If many of you are intellectually honest roughly half of you agree with most of these tenets :
1. Free health care paid for by the government
2. Support of abortion
3. A "war against smoking" cigarettes
4. Gun control
5. Confiscation and redistribution of the wealth of those deemed "the wealthiest Germans"
6. The removal of religious voices from public dialogue and policy development
7. Unrestrained spending and focus on government funded education
8. Governmental oversight and control of the views espoused by the press (i.e. a "fairness doctrine"),
9. The declaration of a "health crisis" and a "war on fatty foods"...
10. Unquestioning loyalty to "The State" and a subordination of views based on religious convictions to those views espoused by those the government labeled as "experts".
11. Government price controls and regulation over the profits of previously privately owned businesses,
12. Governmental diffusion of nuclear family life and the declaration that "the children" are now the responsibility of the state... Hitler believed it took a village... jk... but seriously
Just to name a few....
Most of these tenets are also espoused by the Soviet regimes that murdered 20 million humans in Ukraine, and the various Social Darwinist/Marx+Lenin inspired Fascisms/Socialisms. All in all despite spreading misery, oppression and the slaughter of over 100 million innocent lives in the modern century MANY OF US SOMEHOW HAVE UNWITTINGLY embraced the Socialist tenets of these nightmares of civilzation... hell, most college professors espouse them! Its sad, but AFTER ALL OF THIS a large portion of the west still clings to these ideas and somehow thinks we are "immuned" to their previous outcomes. I'm not so optimistic that we'll stop the next Hitler before its too late since this is the type of Governance that makes the ground "ripe" for a sociopathic dictator.
*this is not the exhaustive list, but this list comprises some STUNNING similarities to the platform of modern "progressives". The study of various fascisms leads to a difficulty defining exactly what makes them "tick", but most of these 12 are at the heart of most of the fascisms of the current century.
**NOTE, NOTE NOTE: I am not drawing any inferences beyond the striking nature of the 12 points as to any moral equivalent with any modern group in the USA to Hitler or the Nazi party. I am simply intending for us to beware of the assumption that we are somehow "immune" to the mistakes of the past. I PERSONALLY KNOW MANY PEOPLE WHO HOLD SOME OF THESE 12 TENETS THAT I AM GOOD FRIENDS WITH, WOULD WORSHIP AND PRAY WITH, AND WHO ARE GOOD FOLKS IN GENERAL... PLEASE LET US BE CLEAR, THAT WOULD BE TERRIBLY UNFAIR TO MAKE THAT INFERENCE...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
My Obama Hangover
Even though I'm not a big fan of the Democratic party I was just LOOKING for any excuse to vote for Obama. Why?...simply put, he just seemed to be a "really nice guy". I had this silly little daydream featuring Barack and I sipping a glass of Merlot (he doesn't seem like a "beer guy") and having a few good common laughs with myself going away thinking; "dude, you're pretty cool for a politician"...something I couldn't envision with McCain (even though I've personally met and liked...). But, mostly I thought if the majority of this country would elect a *black man (*I never know what the most gracious term to use is so I'll use the term Obama uses for himself in his autobiography when his ethnicity is pertinent...) it would go a long way toward healing the underlying racial wounds in America that are still very real.
...the Reverend Wright "headache":
So, I was sadly disappointed when I learned that Obama has a "spiritual mentor" who I have heard endless, sermon excerpts (context filled btw...) that I would consider bigoted if not racist, anti-semitic, and falsely and venomously anti-American. Obama has not only attended this church for 20 years, he supported this Church to the tune of $27.500 last year. He said part of him wanted to "punch his (white) friend" (from Obama's own autobiography) for nothing more than empathizing with him about being surrounded by white folks all the time. Sheez, I would kiss anyone who would ever empathize with me for just 1 second of my life! In his Autobiography he called his grandmother a "typical white woman"... uh... seriously!? ATTENTION: let it hereby be publicly stated, if I ever start ANY sentence with the words "typical black ____" you have the full right (if NOT the obligation) to punch me in the throat!
...the "Christian" "nausea":
He had also claimed to be a Christian, and quoted scripture freely, so I thought "awesome, a Christian". But I've found his version of Jesus to have NOTHING to do with the historical one. His Church and his spiritual mentor preaches a "Jesus" sent as "black liberator" seeking economic justice rather than the true Son of God sent seeking the salvation of mankind's fallen soul and declaring peace with God. So, is it idolatry or Christianity? Only God knows, but I fear the latter.
...the "grandchild = punishment" "spins":
The KICKER was (in an interview this past April 1st - not fooling btw...) when he was referring to how he would rather have his own daughter have an abortion rather than face the "punishment" for her pregnancy. SIR, YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT YOUR GRANDCHILD! So, now I'm sobbing inside not only at the idea that he considers an unborn human being a "punishment" (God calls a child a blessing from HIM...) BUT HE WOULD RECOMMEND KILLING HIS OWN GRANDCHILD IN THE WOMB!... I look at my 2 week old daughter and I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT FATHOM THE DEPTH OF BRAZEN INHUMANITY A HUMAN CAN HAVE to say something like that! While I sympathize with his view that it is a grave horror that coalition forces have unintentionally caused approx. 33,000 civilian casualties (deriv. Human Rights Watch) in Iraq, but his side ignores the 1.1 million intentionally killed in the womb in those same 5 years in the US. Someones moral compass is not only broken but it is smashed to tiny bits!
...the social spending "dry heaves":
Also, Obama is a huge fan of the gratuitous spending of OTHER PEOPLES MONEY for any and every social program. I say that because if I were to document the social spending he was NOT in favor of, it would yield 0 results... It is COMPASSION, and commanded by Christ to give to the poor, visit the sick, and clothe the naked, BUT it is the SIN OF COVET to force your neighbor to do it! You have no right to your neighbors property even if it is for a "good cause" in your opinion.
So, it comes down to this: I wish I could vote for the guy, but as a Christian I can't. NOT because politics accomplish the purposes of God, but simply this:
I cannot call myself a "Christian" and embrace and support the things God hates. Isaiah said "woe unto those who call good: evil, and evil; good" I'm not crazy about the Republican Party either, and McCain specifically, but Obama has to to be a "NO" for me. *If your political passions trump your passion for God's word please spare me and don't call yourself a Christian; its an insult for you to expect me to take your faith more seriously than you do.
So, the choice this year is the party whose prized value is GREED (Red) or the party whose prized value is killing the unborn (Blue) ... great choice eh? Someone hand me the Alka-Seltzer...
PS: I'd love be "talked off the ledge" here, if you think you can...
...the Reverend Wright "headache":
So, I was sadly disappointed when I learned that Obama has a "spiritual mentor" who I have heard endless, sermon excerpts (context filled btw...) that I would consider bigoted if not racist, anti-semitic, and falsely and venomously anti-American. Obama has not only attended this church for 20 years, he supported this Church to the tune of $27.500 last year. He said part of him wanted to "punch his (white) friend" (from Obama's own autobiography) for nothing more than empathizing with him about being surrounded by white folks all the time. Sheez, I would kiss anyone who would ever empathize with me for just 1 second of my life! In his Autobiography he called his grandmother a "typical white woman"... uh... seriously!? ATTENTION: let it hereby be publicly stated, if I ever start ANY sentence with the words "typical black ____" you have the full right (if NOT the obligation) to punch me in the throat!
...the "Christian" "nausea":
He had also claimed to be a Christian, and quoted scripture freely, so I thought "awesome, a Christian". But I've found his version of Jesus to have NOTHING to do with the historical one. His Church and his spiritual mentor preaches a "Jesus" sent as "black liberator" seeking economic justice rather than the true Son of God sent seeking the salvation of mankind's fallen soul and declaring peace with God. So, is it idolatry or Christianity? Only God knows, but I fear the latter.
...the "grandchild = punishment" "spins":
The KICKER was (in an interview this past April 1st - not fooling btw...) when he was referring to how he would rather have his own daughter have an abortion rather than face the "punishment" for her pregnancy. SIR, YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT YOUR GRANDCHILD! So, now I'm sobbing inside not only at the idea that he considers an unborn human being a "punishment" (God calls a child a blessing from HIM...) BUT HE WOULD RECOMMEND KILLING HIS OWN GRANDCHILD IN THE WOMB!... I look at my 2 week old daughter and I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT FATHOM THE DEPTH OF BRAZEN INHUMANITY A HUMAN CAN HAVE to say something like that! While I sympathize with his view that it is a grave horror that coalition forces have unintentionally caused approx. 33,000 civilian casualties (deriv. Human Rights Watch) in Iraq, but his side ignores the 1.1 million intentionally killed in the womb in those same 5 years in the US. Someones moral compass is not only broken but it is smashed to tiny bits!
...the social spending "dry heaves":
Also, Obama is a huge fan of the gratuitous spending of OTHER PEOPLES MONEY for any and every social program. I say that because if I were to document the social spending he was NOT in favor of, it would yield 0 results... It is COMPASSION, and commanded by Christ to give to the poor, visit the sick, and clothe the naked, BUT it is the SIN OF COVET to force your neighbor to do it! You have no right to your neighbors property even if it is for a "good cause" in your opinion.
So, it comes down to this: I wish I could vote for the guy, but as a Christian I can't. NOT because politics accomplish the purposes of God, but simply this:
I cannot call myself a "Christian" and embrace and support the things God hates. Isaiah said "woe unto those who call good: evil, and evil; good" I'm not crazy about the Republican Party either, and McCain specifically, but Obama has to to be a "NO" for me. *If your political passions trump your passion for God's word please spare me and don't call yourself a Christian; its an insult for you to expect me to take your faith more seriously than you do.
So, the choice this year is the party whose prized value is GREED (Red) or the party whose prized value is killing the unborn (Blue) ... great choice eh? Someone hand me the Alka-Seltzer...
PS: I'd love be "talked off the ledge" here, if you think you can...
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